School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe & Thriving
Strategic Plan Outcome: Every Student Feels Safe
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting not being bullied at school or on the way to/from school
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): The number of 4th and 5th grade students who report not being bullied at school or on the way to/from school will increase from 70% to 75% as measured by the annual District Student Survey. The number of historically underserved race/ethnicity students who report not being bullied at school or on the way to/from school will increase from 61.1% to 70% to close the gap compared to all students.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Create school-wide structures that intentionally build safe and inclusive learning environments
- Action: Continue Kindness in the Classroom Implementation
- Action: Administer the mySAEBRS Screener
- Action: Classroom-Based Wellness Checks
- Action: Strategic Lessons in All Classrooms
Action: Continue Kindness in the Classroom Implementation
Action: Administer the mySAEBRS Screener
Action: Classroom-Based Wellness Checks
Action: Strategic Lessons in All Classrooms
Strategic Plan Goal Area 2: Foundations of Success
Strategic Plan Outcome: Each student demonstrates proficiency on literacy and language arts targets by the end of the third grade.
Strategic Plan Measure: % of 3rd graders demonstrating proficiency on the state ELA assessment
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): The number of students who demonstrate proficiency in language arts and literacy targets will increase from 68% to 75% by the end of third grade as measured by the state ELA test. We will track this cohort in the following two years to monitor ongoing progress.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Rich learning environments with several key visual supports and access to multimodal materials.