Cedar Mill was built as a one room school in the year 1884. "Double desks were shared by two students. There was little furniture besides a teacher's desk, kerosene lamps for light, and a large wood stove to provide heat. An ante-room on the front served as a cloakroom and in one corner was the school water supply with one tin cup used by all. A shed on the back held the wood supply. Two outside toilets marked "boys" and "girls" stood on the school ground"
Quotation and photo courtesy Gertrude Walters Pearson. From "Cedar Mill History" by Linda S. Brody and Nancy A. Olson
The present building was built, across Cornell Road from the original site, in 1932 as a two room facility. Over the years the building has been expanded six times to include twenty-two classrooms, media center, gym, and cafeteria. Cedar Mill houses students in grades kindergarten through fifth. At present there are approximately 400 students enrolled. It is one of thirty-two elementary schools that are part of the Beaverton School District. Beaverton Schools, which encompasses a 57 square mile area, also have seven middle schools and six high schools. The district has a total student enrollment of approximately 28,000.